
Scottish Vocal Music 

Gaelic Psalm

As the name suggests, these are sung in Gaelic. Call & Response is common in Gaelic Psalms. They are sung very freely.

Waulking Songs

A rhythmic song sung in Gaelic by the women in the Western Isles of Scotland while they waulked woollen cloth to soften and shrink it. Sometimes the singing is led by a soloist with a response from the rest of the women.

Mouth Music

Sung in Gaelic, often using some nonsense words. Uses dance rhythms, as its purpose was to replace the Scottish instruments which were banned by the English after the 1745 rebellion.
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Bothy Ballad

A strophic song, sung in English (although often including dialect from the northeast of Scotland) telling tales of farming life. Normally with a lighthearted feel.

Scots Ballad

Strophic song in English, telling a story (often with a kind of supernatural or historical element to it)

Scottish Dances

The Jig

... is the only Scottish Dance in COMPOUND TIME and is usually played at a fast tempo

The Reel

... is also usually played at a fast tempo, and is in SIMPLE TIME, with 2 or 4 beats in a bar

The Strathspey

Normally played at a more moderate tempo than the previous two dances, and always featuring the SCOTCH SNAP. It's in SIMPLE TIME, with four beats in a bar.


In SIMPLE TIME, and usually played at a moderate tempo. Easily identifiable as it's the only Scottish Dance with three beats in a bar.


SIMPLE TIME, two beats in a bar, usually with a very steady pulse. Most likely to be played by a PIPE BAND

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